Friday, 26 June 2015

Visiting the Art College

The University Art College is also very close. I just had to leave our compound, cross over the road. Walk left a few minutes and go in the first entrance to the university. Through this Security entrances, Walk up the road and take the first left (I am writing these instructions so, any resident after me will know where to go!). The Art College an impressive building, however most of what I saw is quite traditional, but I noticed that things were changing in terms of contemporary idea, and there was evidence of Installation work, and some interesting painting and drawing. It was good to see a sculpture department with lots of casts, and I enjoyed looking at the various sculptures and graffiti scattered around the campus. At the college I met Professor Qin Jian, whom was involved with the set up of the Residency I am doing 17 years ago.

Professor Qin is a very interesting character, and we talk about art education and China. I like him very much as he is very honest and enthusiastic about his practice and the Chinese Art World. He tells me that he is interested in showing my work in future exhibitions that he will be curating in China and I really hope this is so, as I would very much like to work with him. Qin and I have many things in common for example we have both worked with Art Gene in Barrow, UK. He has also traveled a lot and he spoke to me about visiting England and his time in Xiamen working at the college, which he says improves every year, and he also tells me that he has set up new courses to teach students new contemporary ideas and methods. After our discussion, we arrange for me to do a talk to the students here about my work next week. It's so nice to Visit Art colleges in other countries, as one notices familiar patterns as well as various oddities and differences. I make a mental note: I would like to work here also in the future, should that possibility arise.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

A swim in the sea

We went for a swim in the sea. We are veruy close to the sea here about 1 or 2 minutes walk. The water is really warm and the waves were great to jump around in. This reminded me of all the times I used to go swimming as a child in Folkestone, UK. I love being by the ocean. On this coast we can see nearby Islands and cargo ships passing by. It was great to swim about with Dina and splash around.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

19-21 June

Working on 2nd Work - Assembly of the Gods - Version 2

Thursday, 18 June 2015

In and around the fabric Market...

To get to the fabric market you can get the number 48 bus...

Here's some images I took around this area...J

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

17th June

Today, I worked on my Assembly of the Gods image and my film in the morning and later we visited the town again, and explored a few areas which we hadn't seen before, including a little outdoor market. I was also searching for some MP3 players for my telephone artwork. But failed to find anywhere that sells them. I guess everyone uses there phones for music now, and these have become somewhat redundant! Dina has been has been working on a Chinese style painting, which she has finished and we went to get it framed. Dina is also enjoying working and running along the beach most days, to be honest I don't know where she gets the energy as it is just too hot for me outside! But she really enjoys it, and it makes me happy to see that she is enjoying the beach.

16th June

Today, I started working on my second work for the exhibition. I have decided to use a series of lines drawn on the surface of this image. It's an image of the Patan Museum in Kathmandu, superimposed with hundreds of different gods from different religions. I was thinking about using Siesmic imegry, relating to Earthquates, as there was recently a quake here that destroyed two of the temples in the image. However I decided this would be too obvious and a bit cheesy. but, still I want to create some kind of disturbance to the image, so I am going to see what hundreds of colored lines will look like. Here's Malevich the Cat admiring my experiments.

In the evening we were invited to a restaurant called Tutti Bene, by an American friend of CEAC, called Rodney. This was a very enjoyable meal, with lots of Italian Food, Wine and Deserts. It was atended by other residents, the professor of the Arts school here and Ziggy. After eating we talked about Russia, Putin and other topics. Thanks Rodney, this was much appreciated.

Monday, 15 June 2015

14th/ 15th June

On Sunday we visited the parks and the lake side parts of south side of the city. These were very peaceful and filled with people playing games and music etc.

Yesterday we went to the Wushipu Oil Painting Village. Here what it says on there website...

'Xiamen Wushipu Oil Painting Village, the world’s second oil painting industry base has more than 5,000 artists. You can buy all painting accessories like frames, brushes and paint colors and even buy authentic and beautiful paintings as a souvenir.

It is no wonder that people in Xiamen to have an artistic bend in their nature. With a pleasant aura about it, Xiamen is indeed a beautiful destination to relax your senses.'

It was interesting to see so many little workshops filled with people doing paintings. It was clear that there were some very talented painters here, but as an artist myself it made me quite sad to see them doing all these copies of cheesy landscapes and other artists work. If they changed their focus this could be a haven of some serious creative activity. This experience also made me feel nostalgic for painting again...As we could smell and see them painting in their shops...surrounded by pallets, paints and large canvases. I would love to make some work in the future using the services of some of these painters.

We discovered an amazing Art-village in Xiamen (油画村). You can take bus 841 from the stop next to the Nan Putuo temple and get off on the first stop after crossing a bridge. Then cross over the street and here you are. Painters can make anything you want to be painted, copy any masterpiece, any of your ideas they can transfer on the canvas. Some of the masters were very skillful, some weren't so good. But it was interesting to see how making art became a mass productions here, painters sometimes couldn't answer whose painting they were copying, for them it was just some pics that have to be done to earn a livelihood. Fascinating and sad at the same time.../ Мы нашли удивительную " Деревню художников" в Сямыне. Чтобы добраться туда, нужно сесть на автобус 841, на остановке рядом с Храмом Нан Путуо и сойти на первой остановке после пересечения моста, перейти дорогу и вы там. Мастера здесь могут отобразить на холсте любую вашу идею, скопировать любой шедевр. Многие художники очень искусны в своем ремесле, некоторые так себе. В любом случае побывать там- это интересный опыт, увидеть как искусство живописи превратилось в массовое производство и мастера часто даже не могут сказать имя художника, чью картину они копируют. Для них, это всего лишь картинка, которая должна быть нарисована для обеспечения существования самого мастера и его семьи. Удивительное и в тоже время печальное место.


Saturday, 13 June 2015

13th June...The Possibility of an Island

We were invited to an art opening called 'The Possibility of an Island' at the Shapowei Art centre here in Xiamen. This was a huge event with about 20 different artists showing work in three different warehouse spaces. This reminded me so much of the Exhibitions in Newcastle, UK about 10 years ago which were put together Ad Hoc in various unused places around the city. Unfortunately after Waygood Gallery closed and Vane Gallery became commercial these exciting ventures came to an end, and the exhibitions we saw became in general more curated and slick.

I miss the dangerous and more wild elements of these kinds of spaces, where artists can try out new ideas, in unconventional environments. There was even a Lipstick/kissing performance outside where a european artist was applying lipstick to herself and kissing a Chinese Girl Over and Over. This also reminded me of the platform events in Newcastle. But I couldn't help thinking I had seen the same idea, in slightly different forms in student works I have seen over the years. However seeing stuff like this in China was refreshing and exciting, compared with the mainly slick wall based stuff I have witnessed here.

We were also introduced to an Artist Called Stella whom was telling us lots of stories about her travels around Asia. We agreed to meet her the next day...