On Sunday we visited the parks and the lake side parts of south side of the city. These were very peaceful and filled with people playing games and music etc.
Yesterday we went to the Wushipu Oil Painting Village. Here what it says on there website...
'Xiamen Wushipu Oil Painting Village, the world’s second oil painting industry base has more than 5,000 artists. You can buy all painting accessories like frames, brushes and paint colors and even buy authentic and beautiful paintings as a souvenir.
It is no wonder that people in Xiamen to have an artistic bend in their nature. With a pleasant aura about it, Xiamen is indeed a beautiful destination to relax your senses.'
It was interesting to see so many little workshops filled with people doing paintings. It was clear that there were some very talented painters here, but as an artist myself it made me quite sad to see them doing all these copies of cheesy landscapes and other artists work. If they changed their focus this could be a haven of some serious creative activity. This experience also made me feel nostalgic for painting again...As we could smell and see them painting in their shops...surrounded by pallets, paints and large canvases. I would love to make some work in the future using the services of some of these painters.
Yesterday we went to the Wushipu Oil Painting Village. Here what it says on there website...
'Xiamen Wushipu Oil Painting Village, the world’s second oil painting industry base has more than 5,000 artists. You can buy all painting accessories like frames, brushes and paint colors and even buy authentic and beautiful paintings as a souvenir.
It is no wonder that people in Xiamen to have an artistic bend in their nature. With a pleasant aura about it, Xiamen is indeed a beautiful destination to relax your senses.'

We discovered an amazing Art-village in Xiamen (油画村). You can take bus
841 from the stop next to the Nan Putuo temple and get off on the first
stop after crossing a bridge. Then cross over the street and here you
are. Painters can make anything you want to be painted, copy any
masterpiece, any of your ideas they can transfer on the canvas. Some of
the masters were very skillful, some weren't so good. But it was
interesting to see how making art became a mass productions here,
painters sometimes couldn't answer whose painting they were copying,
for them it was just some pics that have to be done to earn a livelihood.
Fascinating and sad at the same time.../ Мы нашли удивительную "
Деревню художников" в Сямыне. Чтобы добраться туда, нужно сесть на
автобус 841, на остановке рядом с Храмом Нан Путуо и сойти на первой
остановке после пересечения моста, перейти дорогу и вы там. Мастера
здесь могут отобразить на холсте любую вашу идею, скопировать любой
шедевр. Многие художники очень искусны в своем ремесле, некоторые так
себе. В любом случае побывать там- это интересный опыт, увидеть как
искусство живописи превратилось в массовое производство и мастера часто
даже не могут сказать имя художника, чью картину они копируют. Для них,
это всего лишь картинка, которая должна быть нарисована для обеспечения
существования самого мастера и его семьи. Удивительное и в тоже время
печальное место.
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